On Tuesday, Mardi Gras, I woke up at my typical 6:30am and had a typical pleasant morning with typical coffee, typical dog walk, typical arrival at work... but no one was there. I knew a few people had planned on not being at work that day because of the parade and such but I thought some people would be there. Over the next thirty minutes, while I was plugging away at CAD, a few people showed up, including my boss with his dog. I knew this wasn't going to be a typical day. Come to find out, it is a non-spoken day off... no questions asked. By about 10am I shut down my computer, went to Matt and Faith's house where we had huevos rancheros and Southern Pecan Ale for breakfast on the front porch. We then made our way over to the Benachi St. houses, where I used to live, and continued our day with some Bloody Mary's, Scotch on the Rocks and some High Life. After tying a good one on, we walked a block south down to Howard, drinks in hand, where we whored ourselves out for beads at the Biloxi Mardi Gras Parade. Afterwards, we went back to the Benachi St. houses where we played bocce ball, cruzed around on bikes, built a fire for cooking dinner for everybody, had s'mores for dessert and then a standing long-jump competition... yeah bitches, I won. Come Wed. morning, well, work started a little late for everyone. It was a great time. I suggest some of you come down for it next year.