Finally, after a month and half, I was able to close on my house and move in on Friday. My friends and I celebrated with a number of rounds of scotch and then went to The Project Lounge for burgers and more scotch. All I have at the moment as far as moving in goes - is me, my suitcase I've been living out of for the past two months, a sleeping bag and my dog Pounder. So, at this point I have an empty house but that is a good thing. This will be conducive for repainting inside the house later this week. I spent most of the weekend clearing out the over-grown back yard and cleaning the old wood garage and work rooms. One of the work rooms is going to become a dark room. One of my friends here has all the photo equipment for it, including an antique enlarger, but hasn't had a place to set up. We're even going to install a revolving door. Pounder thoroughly enjoys having a place to dig and jump at the birds that hang out amongst the tangled mess honeysuckle.
On Saturday night Jessie Zenor cooked a Valentines dinner for the entire studio; a more than impressive spread of food and alcohol. After dinner a number of people moved out onto the front porch to enjoy a pleasant 60 degree evening where a number of things were talked about. One of which was Jeff's story about the midget he keeps in the big green box that sits in the back of his truck. It was a good ol' time.