Every morning by 7am Pounder and I go for our morning walks. We walk south, over the railroad tracks, through historic neighborhoods that open up to the beach. Each morning is different; the light, the humidity, the breeze, the smells, the tides... everything. One difference that I always find myself listening for is the sizzle. You can hear the moist air sizzling on the power lines. Occasionally you hear louder cracks and pops, those tend to occur on the really humid days. The picture above was taken at about 6am on a particularly distinct morning, humid and salty with winds blowing layers of clouds from the east. These railroad tracks run the length of the peninsula in which Biloxi resides. The tracks, while connecting the east and the west, divide the north and the south. Not socially in any way, but hydrologically. This is a topic I'll talk more about later.