Thursday, June 25, 2009


After spending a few days in Prague I'm now back home in Biloxi. Biloxi is 97 degrees and Prague was 67 degrees. I think I know which one I like better.

Aside from the beautiful weather in Prague, Prague is a beautiful place to begin with. Everything is done/made with thought and purpose and is cared for with thought and purpose. Aside from everything being so beautiful, everyone was so nice. It was easily the most laid back city I've ever been to. I, along with everyone else, found that the best place to take a nap isn't inside but on one of the many grassy parks throughout the city. My favorite that I napped in a few time was Riegrovy Park that was up on a hill and overlooks the city, a great place to watch the sunsets.

I stayed at the Clown & Bard hostel. It was a fantastic place, very clean and less that $15 a night. I met lots of great people there who were from all over going to all over. I have a feeling some of us will meet up again some day.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ahoj From the Czech Republic

As many of you know my brother-in-law, David, is from the Czech Republic. After a few years of him asking me to come visit I finally got to. Last week David, my sister, their two kids and myself flew out of Atlanta to Prague, where we then boarded a train that took us to Opava, CZ where David's dad then picked us up to drive to his home in Uhlirov, a village of about 350 people that sits on the far east side of CZ, not too far from Poland. The country side here is beautiful; fields of barley, wheat and poppies. I got to meet many of David's friends and family for the first time. They are a warm group of people. Even though I don't speak Czech and they don't speak English it was okay. David was a great translator. After spending five days in Uhlirov, riding with David on the 1962 Jawa motorcycle around fields, through forest and to other villages, fishing (which caused the bloody and now partially black eye) and drinking lots because that is apparently what Czech people do, I am now in Prague for a few days before I head home. So far the trip has been blessed with beautiful weather and great times.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hooray Garden

I was skeptical of the soil in my yard when I planting my garden. I thought "How could anything grow in this, it seems to just be sand." I went ahead and planted it anyway, just as an experiment if anything. Fortunately, stuff does grow. The eggplants have certainly taken the lead and I think the squash will be coming in second. The above photo is of squash blooms, eggplant and collard greens. I think I'll end up with so much produce that I'll need to can or freeze stuff for winter. Which sounds good actually.

Monday, June 8, 2009

In Production, Construction and Destruction

On Saturday morning I woke up energized and ready to start some new projects and maintain some existing ones. I have a picket fence that divides my yard from the sidewalk and on that picket fence grows climbing roses that have climbed their way into peoples arms and legs. They were reaching a bit too far into the sidewalk. I suppose it is a good way to keep people from walking on my side of the street but I don't want that. I enjoy seeing the, now to me, regular passer-byes. So... I trimmed roses while Pounder looked on and ate pecans.

I then went on to weeding my garden. It is a descent size garden approximately 30'x 16'. I have many types of tomatoes, eggplant, four types of peppers, squash, zucchini, cantaloupe, two types of watermelon, okra and purple hull peas. I still have room for some more stuff so I think I'll plant some crops that will do well on into fall and winter; I'm thinking brussels sprouts.

After breaking for lunch and taking a short nap my friend Sarah came over to help build forms for the concrete pavers I'll be using as the new walkway that connects the driveway to the front steps. I'm making the forms so they can be used again. I want to use them for when I build my patio and fire pit out back. I'm still working on the design for that and I hope to build it this fall. Building the forms took most of the afternoon and ended in going to eat some delicious bbq pork sandwiches.

That evening a group of us were hanging out on Nadene's front porch when Christine showed up with a most refreshing drink. It was vodka mixed with a simple syrup made of fresh squeezed lemons, sugar and rosemary. She is a crafty one I tell you. All in all it was a fantastic day, plus the weather was beautiful.