Early Saturday morning some friends and I headed east out of Biloxi and into the humid-rich pine savanna's of the Sandhill Crane Wildlife Refuge. It was busting at the seams. The pitcher plants were popping up all over the place as well as an orchid that is native to this area, a delicate, light pink with one dark pink stripe... no one successfully took a photo of them. Maybe that is part of their mystery.
The guided walking tour was only about 3/4 a mile long and had an elevation change of about 14 feet. Here, 14 feet means a lot; you can depend on the ecology to change about ever 2 feet. There are a couple of different species of flowers there that exist throughout but change color depending on their elevation. They were orange at the highest elevations, yellow in the middle and a lime green in the bottoms, down near the bayous.
This area is also home to a huge number of birds. The woods were full of so many songs, few of which could be located.