This weekend I came home to Jasper, AL where I grew up and my parents still live. My siblings and their families came home too. Every time I come back to this part of Alabama it makes me realize what a beautiful and special place it is. On Saturday morning we were all awake soon after the sun was rising. It was a slightly foggy morning but the sun was shining bright through the freshly budding trees. Soon after a breakfast of scrambled eggs, whole wheat pancakes, turkey-based meats and a cup of coffee my brother and I were off to the woods and streams of Bankhead National Forest.
Upon our parking at the little dirt-patch of a pull off on Co. Hwy. 2 to start our hike through the woods, some other people pulled in behind us. They were new to this part of Bankhead which is known as Caney Creek. We talked to them a for a few minutes, they asked some questions about the area, and it was then that we realized we'd been coming to this area for the past 18 years. This time my brother and I were going down to the lower falls which we hadn't been to in what we figured out was 15 years ago. I can't believe how times flies, it really just seems like it was a few years ago.
There really isn't much of a trail to the lower falls so you just use the knowledge you have of the area and the lay of the land to navigate to them. After walking along an oak covered ridge line we headed down a steep ravine toward a small creek that is just a few feet wide. As you descend the forest changes from the bright airiness of the hardwood forest to the dense, dark green shades of hemlocks, moss covered rocks and an assortment of native trilliums and violets. The temperature drops and the humidity increases and before you know it you are walking in the stream because the cliff's and hills are to steep for a trail to exist.
After about 45 minutes of walking I began to hear a hollow rumbling sound, I knew we were close. Before I knew it we were standing in the stream atop the lower falls of Caney Creek. A beautiful spot where we climbed around on the rocks and to do what we ultimately came for, fly fishing. The water was so crisp and clear... the fish were too smart. I only pulled out a 5" long small mouth bass but that was okay because it was just about being there. For me, this is one of my favorite spots on earth.
Now, I must pack up and head back home to Biloxi.