As many know, I am a collector of matchbooks. This is one I found a while back, stuck in my bag and forgot about it. I'm not sure where I got it from. Yesterday I was digging through my bag and found it lying open and saw that something was inscribed... I hope that who ever this was written to got the message and that I didn't just swipe it on the way out the door; therefore, the receiver not receiving such a caring message from such a caring friend about some other obviously caring person.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
As many know, I am a collector of matchbooks. This is one I found a while back, stuck in my bag and forgot about it. I'm not sure where I got it from. Yesterday I was digging through my bag and found it lying open and saw that something was inscribed... I hope that who ever this was written to got the message and that I didn't just swipe it on the way out the door; therefore, the receiver not receiving such a caring message from such a caring friend about some other obviously caring person.