Sunday was a lazy day for us all. Slowly, we gathered over at Sarah's house to start the last event of the birthday celebrations. We loaded up in our cars and drove out to a horse farm for an afternoon of horseback riding. The farm was beautiful... grassy pastures, live oak trees, ponds, forest and creeks. Mary, who owns the farm gave us a crash course in horseback riding (most of had ridin before). The first group of us (Sarah, myself, Sam and Molly) hopped on our horses and headed down the trail with Mary leading us. The horses were great, all having a mind of their own at times, but they were good listeners. When we came back we switched up. Nadene, Ivan, Stephen and Sara got on the horses and rode around for a bit while we picniced, played bocce and layed beneath the oak trees. As the sun began to set we headed home but not before stopping for ice cream. I have a feeling we'll be returning. It won't suprise me if Sarah and Nadene have purchased their own horses in the near future.